Don’t build apps. Solve problems.

For the last decade my career has been focused on digital media and managing the rapid transformation that often demands within businesses. I’m signed up to the idea that new media provides unprecedented opportunities to connect with customers and solve problems.

But as exciting as technology is, it’s just the enabler, it’s not the idea.

What app should we build? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to advise businesses and teams on how to decide on the best app for them. They’ve decided to keep up with the times and build an app, so someone can report to someone more senior than them that their finger is on the pulse with digital media. They want to build an app to serve their needs more than their customers.

What problem can we solve? That’s a better question. What can we make easier for our clients, using new mobile functionality?  That’s an even better question.

An app may be a good thing for whatever business you are in, but my guess is you don’t need one. But you always need to improve your service, solving problems more effectively for the people that you serve. So always start with that question.

Jeremy Macvean